VPN Setup

This document outlines the process for configuring and deploying the VPN Service on your MikroTik devices. Setting up a VPN is a critical step in configuring a true SD-WAN solution for your business. This service also enables you to set up a VPN between your remote devices like phones, laptops, tablets, etc.

Similar to other features in MikroCloud, the VPN service provides a user-friendly setup experience.

Creating the VPN

Let's get the VPN service up and running.

Step 1: Access the VPN Overview page

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to the VPN page, which can be accessed under the VPN section.

picture 0

  1. You will be taken to a new page, this page is the VPN Overview page, which allows you to manage all of your active VPN services.

picture 1

Step 2: Create your VPN Service

  1. From the VPN Overview page, you can continue to create the VPN service by clicking on the + Add button in the top-right corner.

picture 2

  1. A Configuration pane will open up, this widget allows you to create the VPN.
    • Fill out the VPN Instance name, you can name it anything you want.
    • Select the Hostname, this will be the VPN's dial up name.
    • Select the Country in which you want the VPN to be spun up.

picture 4

The hostname will turn highlight green should it be available, and if it is not available, it will highlight red, indicating that the specific hostname for the VPN server has already been used.

An invalid hostname will look like this: picture 5

  1. When you are happy with your current configuration, you can click on the Next -> button in order for the service to start deploying in the background.

picture 7

  1. Verify that your VPN service has been created by clicking on the VPN service itself.

picture 6

  1. You will be taken to the VPN configuration page.

picture 8

Congrats on creating your VPN service, you can now continue with fine-tuning and configuring your service in multiple ways.

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