Device Tags

Tags serve as a system for categorizing devices. By creating and assigning these tags, you can effectively organize and filter devices based on custom categories that are meaningful for your environment and use case.

Key Features

Tag CreationUsers can create tags by selecting a color and assigning a label to the tag. The color provides a visual cue, while the label represents the category or function of the tag.
Tag Assignment:Once a tag is created, it can be applied to any device. Multiple tags can be assigned to a single device/ site, allowing you to customize your system.
Device Filtering:While on the Sites page, you can use tags to filter the list of devices. This helps you to quickly and efficiently locate devices associated with the specific tags.

Use Cases

Let's talk about some cool use cases for these tags. In the end, you can customize this tagging system however you like.

Use CaseDesc:Example
Categorizing by LocationIn environments where devices are spread across multiple physical locations, such as different buildings, floors, or regions, tags can be used to indicate device location."Floor 1", "North Wing", "Warehouse", NY Office"
Group Devices by Function or RoleTags can be used to organize devices based on their function or operation role."Wi-Fi AP", "Core Router", "HomeLab", "Testing", "Prod", "Backup"
Tracking Maintenance and StatusTags can be used to track the status of devices, such as whether they are active, undergoing maintenance, or in a critical state."Under Maintenance", "Critical", "Inactive", "Needs Review"
PrioritizationIn situations where devices require higher priority or needs special monitoring."High Priority", "Critical Service", "VIP", "Emergency"
Grouping Devices by Project or ClientFor Teams managing multiple projects or clients, these tags can be used to group devices based on the associated project or customer."Client A", "Project X", "Customer Support", "R&D"
Identifying Devices for Scheduled TasksTags can help you schedule tasks like updates, audits or inspections by marking the relevant devices in advance."Scheduled Update", "Audit Pending", "Inspection Q2
Device Lifecycle ManagementThese tags can be used to indicate were a device is in its lifecycle""EoL", "Ready for Decommision", "New Deployment

These are just a few examples how how tags can be used in different scenarios. The flexability of these color-coded and labeled tags allows you to create customized and intuitive categories that align with your company's specific workflow.

Creating Tags:

Tags are created and applied directly from the Sites page from your portal. This section will take you through creating and applying these tags to your devices.

Step 1: Creating a Tag

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to your Sites.

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  1. Hover over the site you would like to create the tag for.
  2. Once the Site is highlighted, click on the Add Tag button. This will open a small customization window.

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Step 2: Customizing the tag

  1. Customize the tag by adding a descriptive name, and then choosing the color by clicking on the color icon.

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  1. Once done, click on the small Add button to the far right of the customization window.

That's it, you have now created your first tag, you will see that this tag will be applied to your specified device.

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You can continue to add these tags to your other devices.

Removing a Tag

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to your Sites.

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  1. Hover over the site you would like to remove the tag from.
  2. Once the Site is highlighted, click on the Edit Tags button. This will open a small customization window.

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  1. Click on the tag you would like to remove.
    • This will remove the tag from the site.

That's it, the tag has now been removed from your site.

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