
Tis document provides an overview of the different types of faults that are logged and monitored by MikroCloud. it covers how faults are identified, categorized and logged, along with a detailed look at the Recent Faults Dashboard and the Faults Dashboard, as well as how it can be used to monitor these events.

What are Faults?

Faults represent disruptions or issues present at your sites/ network, such as loss of connetivity, service degradation or hardware failures. These events are automatically detected based on thresholds and trigger conditions.

Faults are Logged in the following ways:

Heartbeat Checks:Sites are configured to check in with MikroCloud every 30 seconds. These checks are known as Heartbeats.
Fault Condition trigger:If a site misses 10 consecutive heartbeats (a period of 5 minutes), a fault condition is recorded. These system identifies this as the threshold for detecting a potential service disruption.
Start Time Calculation:The start time of a fault condition is backdated by 5 minutes from the current time, representing when the first heartbeat was missed.
Clearing the Fault Condition:The fault condition is automatically cleared when the next hearbeat is successfully received, indicating that the site has re-established communication.
Recorded Downtime:The downtime is calculated as the difference betwen the fault condition's start and end times, providing an accurate measure of the site's unavailability. If this downtime falls within your configured business schedule, this will be added to yor configured SLA report.

Types of Faults

Fults are categorized based on the nature of the issue.

Fault TypeDescription
WAN Tunnel OfflineThiw fault occurs when the WAN Tunnel(s), responsible for site communication, goes offline. This is typically due to connectivity issues or ISP disruptions.
Site RebootedA site reboot fault is logged when a monitored site undergoes a restart, either due to manual intervention or an unexpected issue.
Site OfflineThis fault is recorded when an entire site loses connecitivty and becomes unresponsive. It indicates a total loss of communication between the site and the monitoring system.

Recent Faults Dashboard

The Faults Dashboard is a central interface for monitoring real-time and historical faults across all sites. It displays critical information, allowing for quick response and analysis.

  • This dashboard will show a chronological list of faults that have occurred, including timestamps and fault types.
  • A visual representation of the severity and impact of each fault.

Accessing the Recent Faults Dashboard

  1. From your Dashboard, you will see a tile called Recent Faults, this is the recent faults dashboard discussed above.

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Site-Specific Faults

This page provides site-specific insights into the historical performance and reliability of your device. This page will also display a larger amount of faults than the Recent Faults tile on your Dashboard.

Accessing Site-Specific Fault Event Logs

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to your site list.

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  1. Click on the site you wish to view the fault events log for.
  2. From your site's Overview page, click on the Fault Event Log.

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  1. You have now navigated to your site's fault event log.
    • Here is where you can scroll and view all of the faults that have happened at your site.

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