Orchestration Log

The Orchestration log is a powerfull features that provides the transparent visibility into the actions performed by MikroCloud on your devices. It records and displays the scripts, API calls and automated tasks executed across your device fleet, allowing for thorough monitoring and troubleshooting.

This document will help you understand how to use the Orchestratino Log to track changes, review executed API calls and maintain control over you network operations.

Understanding the Orchestration Log interface

The Orchestration log is presented as a table with the following columns:

DescriptionCreated/ RunStatus
The name or purpose of the action, such as "Create Configuration Backup" or "Site Reboot"The dates and times when the action was initiated and when it was executed, if applicableIndicates whether the action is still Pending, Completed or Failed.

Example of Log Entries:

picture 0

Accessing the Orchestration Log

Step 1: Navigate to your Site

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to your Sites.

picture 9

  1. Click on the specific site for which you want to see the Orchestration Log.

picture 2

  1. When on the Site's Overview Page, click on Orchestration Log, this will take you to the device's orchestration log page.

picture 3

  1. The Orchestration Log:picture 4

Viewing an Expanded Log Entry

  1. Clicking on an entry in the Orchestration log opens a detailed view with expanded information about that specific action that was executed.

The expanded log entry provides:

Timestamped Events:A breakdown of each step in the process, from job creation to completion or failure.
Device Information:Details about the target device(s) involved, including site ID, device name, and associated metadata.
Job Context:A JSON payload containing key data points, such as the job ID, Customer ID, idempotency key, and script content if applicable.
Status Message:Specific messages indicating the progress or outcome of the job, such as "Job created", "Downloaded", "Express execution requested" or "Failed".

Examples for Log Expanded Log Entries

picture 5

  1. By hovering over a specific log entry, you will see a small button pop up called Expand, this will expand the JSON payload for you to inspect

picture 6

  • From this page, you can also copy the entire JSON payload should you need to use it for further analysis or troubleshooting.

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